What a week it’s been

Holy moly.

One week after launching #MaxCutsHisHair, we have raised $6040.


I’m blown away by the generosity and selflessness of my family and friends. It’s pretty unbelievable to think we raised over six thousand dollars in one week, but there it is. I smile every time I look at it.

To be completely honest, I kind of knew I would be able to raise at least a little bit of money. I mean, I’m getting rid of the flow! Something had to give! But I had no idea it would turn out like this.

I thought it would take weeks to get to $2000. In fact, I had some social media posts and flyers already made to post and remind people to donate. Consider yourselves lucky — I was going to beat your social feeds over the head. But they seem moot now, considering we’ve more than tripled that goal. Well, you may still see them, but not as often.

When I was deciding on a goal amount, I spoke with my brother to ask his advice. I wasn’t too sure, because I wanted a total that was achievable and lofty, yet not too high. I really wanted to guarantee I hit it and cut off all my hair, so being left with an unmet target would be a bad look. He suggested $2000, reminding me, “That’s a lot of money. You should be incredibly proud if you hit that goal.”

And oh boy, am I ever.

$6000 is a huge amount of money, and I thank each and every one of you so much for donating.

When reaching out to a few of you to say thanks, I’ve been met with some similar messages:

“My family was also affected, so this cause means a lot to me personally.”

“Breast cancer hit my family during the pandemic too.”

“It felt really close to home so I wanted to support the cause…and see your hair get cut.”

It’s a heartbreaking fact that cancer is simply unavoidable for nearly everyone on the planet. You will run into it, whether it’s family, friends, or maybe even yourself. This fundraiser made me realize that even more. All of us have some ties to the horrible disease, and if it’s not cancer, it’s some other brutal ailment that cuts deep into the fabric of our families and leaves a permanent tear.

So please know, I may have started this fundraiser thinking of my immediate family and their battles with breast cancer, but for everyone who has reached out to show their love and share their own confrontations with it, this is also for you. I appreciate you for letting me in.


An ode to my shoes


The inspiration behind #MaxCutsHisHair